Build Clang/LLVM from source on Ubuntu

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Steps to build clang/llvm and related tools on linux for Hipacc.

Clone source code

  1. clone llvm

     git clone
  2. clone compiler-rt, polly, libcxx, libcxxabi

     cd projects/
     git clone
     git clone
     git clone
     git clone
     cd ..
  3. clone Clang

     cd tools/
     git clone
  4. clone Clang toolings

     cd clang/
     cd tools/
     git clone extra
     cd ../../../

    Note that name here must be extra for clang toolings.

  5. git checkout the same release version for the cloned source code

Build source code

  1. Create a build directory. Building LLVM in the source directory is not supported. cd to this directory:

     mkdir build
     cd build
  2. Use CMake to generate build files, optionally it is possible to set a different install prefix

     cmake path/to/llvm/source/root -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/custom/bin/llvm
  3. Build and install the binary

     cmake --build .
     cmake --build . --target install